Wednesday, June 13, 2018

PMQs LIVE: 'We WILL deliver on will of the people!' May furiously defends Brexit shambles

PMQs LIVE: 'We WILL deliver on will of the people!' May furiously defends Brexit shambles

THERESA May has faced Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn for this afternoon’s Prime Minister’s Questions just hours after a Commons vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill turned into a Brexit shambles. 

The pair went head to head as Remainers and Brexiteers brace themselves for a war following Mrs May’s last-ditch concession to Tory rebels killed off the chance of a ‘no deal’ exit from Brussels.

Following a day of drama in Westminster, Mrs May was weakened when she was forced into a climb-down on a ‘meaningful vote’ at the 11th hour to avoid a humiliating defeat in the Commons on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn faces his own rebellion as party members demand that Britain adopts a “Norway model” to keep the UK tied to EU rues.

Around hard line 70 Labour MPs are expected to back the so called Norway option on Wednesday with Britain entering the European Economic Area, which is forced to take on rules from Brussels.
The latest row is a sign that Labour has yet to manage to have an agreed coherent policy on Brexit with the leadership already performing at least 15 U-turns.

12:46pm update: Jacob Rees-Mogg says it is essential that there is a separation between two houses
Mrs May says she agrees the Lords must accept the people voted Brexit 

12:43pm update: The PM has tough words for Russia
She said: "As I mentioned earlier it’s important the EU maintains sanctions on Russia. We need to show the Russians we do not accept what they have done in the UK."

12:35pm update: SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has reacted to Ian Blackford being ordered to leave 

She tweeted: "Right behind @IanBlackfordMP and @theSNP MPs. Scotland and @ScotParl are being treated with contempt by Westminster and it needs to be highlighted."
12:30pm update: BREAKING: Speaker John Bercow has ordered SNP's Ian Blackford to leave the Commons for the rest of the day 
All members of the SNP have left the chambers in a mass protest
                  PMQs LIVE: SNP MPs staged a mass protest in the Commons

12:29pm update: Chaos has erupted in the Commons as Ian Blackford calls for the House to sit in private 
He says: "I really do hope the people of Scotland listen very carefully to what the PM says. The reality is the powers enshired under the Scotland Act 1998 are being grabbed back. The MPs from Scotland were not even given the courtesy of discussing it. It’s a democratic outrage.

"The people of Scotland will not be disrespected by the Parliament.

"Given the disrespect shown I have no option but to ask this house now sits in private."

But John Bercow tells him he is not hearing the question now, insisting there will not be division until the end of PMQs.

He said: "My advice is it its better for the vote to be conducted at the conclusion of question to the PM. I hope he will trust me. There will be a division at end of this session and not now. Resume your seat Mr Blackford!

"Don’t tell me what the procedures of this house are. There can be a vote at the end of this session. Mr Blackford, no!

"Under the power given to me in light of persistent and repeated refusal for RHG to resume his seat, I order him to withdraw immediately from the house for the remainder of this day’s sitting."

12:27pm update: The PM denies a 'power grab' in response to attack by SNP 
SNP's Ian Blackford said: "The PM said she would treat Scotland as a union of equals but last night she pressed ahead with a power grab of Scotland’s elected parliament. The PM silenced Scotland’s voice, plunging it into constitutional crisis."

But Mrs May hits back: "The outcome of Brexit will be a significant increase in Holyrood power. It’s not the case it is a power grab."
               PMQs live: Speaker John Bercow ordered SNP's Ian Blackford to leave the Commons

12:25pm update: Theresa May accuses Labour of trying to frustrate Brexit 
She said: "This Government will deliver a Brexit that's good for Britain."
May then jokes: "I’ve heard the Labour leader is trying to organise a music festival. I’ll pass over the fact it will have a solidarity tent which will have no MPs in it.
"I don’t know if all members are aware of the headline act - the Shadow Chancellor and the Magic Numbers - that just about sums them up."

12:24pm update: Corbyn accuses Boris Johnson of living in a 'parallel universe'
He asks: "How much more damage is the prime minister going to do to this country before she realises getting a deal for the people of this country is more important than appeasing big egos in her cabinet."

12:21pm update: Corbyn has attacked May over her 'divided' cabinet
He said: "The cabinet is divided. The PM has been left with no white paper to negotiate. A deal with backbenchers was reneged on in hours.

"How much more damage is the PM going to do to this country before it realises the important thing is to get a deal for this country not one to appease giant clashing egos of her cabinet?"

12:18pm: update: Mrs May vows to 'deliver on the will of the people' 
She said: "Labour said it wants to do trade deals and now wants to be in Customs Union to stop that. They said they want control borders but now they want free movement. They said they would respect referendum but now won’t rule out second referendum.

"That’s the difference. The Conservative Party will deliver on the will of the people."

12:14pm update: Corbyn attacks May over the Brexit backstop solution 
He says: "Last week Theresa May confirmed we would leave EU in 2019 and transition would end in 20202. We now know it could continue until 2021. Can she confirm which December?"

To which, Mrs May replies:"He’s trying to talk about the backstop. This is an arrangement put in place if we cannot put the new customs arrangement in place by Jan 1, 2021."

But relentless, Corbyn jokes:"Is it a backstop or a backslide?" to cheers from his backbenchs.
He adds: "Last week I asked the PM when is the Government Brexit White Paper going to be published. She said before June EU summit?"

But undeterred, Mrs May hits back saying: "I didn’t say that. I said it would be published. We will be bringing ministers together after the June council and the paper will be published a week after."
                                      Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn

12:12pm update: Corbyn asks May if she has taken advice from her Foreign Secretary recently.. 
The Labour leader asks whether May took Boris Johnson's advice when she met US President Donald Trump last week to put him in charge of Brexit negotiations. 
To cries and heckles from the Commons, Corbyn said: "Did she do as the Foreign Secretary suggested and ask him to take over the Brexit negotiations?"

12:11pm update: Corbyn says Grenfell survivors are still waiting for homes 
He said the "sad truth and reality" is many people are still waiting for permanent homes.

12:09pm update: Brexit's Labour position is being questioned 
Mark Harper aks: “You can’t stay in EEA without free movement. Can I urge the PM not to listen to many Labour voices who want to continue with unlimited migration from the EU.
To which Mrs May agrees, saying: "Labour used to say they wanted control of our borders. Now they want free movement."

12:07pm update: Labour's Gareth Thomas raised concerns over the help given to cooperative businesses
He said last year five cooperative companies in the the UK paid four times as much tax as internet companies like Amazon.

Mrs May said HMRC has attempted to force large companies to pay more tax.

12:06pm update: Theresa May starts by marking one year from the Grenfell Tower fire which will take place tomorrow 
The PM said the "unimaginable tragedy" remains at the forefront of our minds. She said her Government is doing all that it can to ensure survivors get the help they need.
She said: "This unimaginable tragedy remains at forefront of our minds. We are doing everything we can to ensure survivors of Grenfell get all the support they need. And the truth and justice they deserve."

She also wished the England FC luck for the upcoming World Cup in Russia. 


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