Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Germany to SPARK EU RUPTURE as Merkel's minister demands border with Austria is CLOSED

Germany to SPARK EU RUPTURE as Merkel's minister demands border with Austria is CLOSED

GERMANY’S Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is battling with Chancellor Angela Merkel to CLOSE Germany’s border with Austria – a seismic move which threatens the very existence of the EU.

The Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz landed in Berlin yesterday for talks on EU  migration policy with Chancellor Merkel.

Italy’s Home Secretary Matteo Salvini has also requested an invitation to visit for migration talks.

The call to close the German border would not only demolish one of the pillars of EU policy – freedom of movement – but would also see more migrants pouring into its neighbouring countries, especially Austria and Italy.

The clash has rocked the already fragile German government, which only formed in March following a coalition and months of wrangling and diplomacy.
                   Merkel and her Interior Minister Horst Seehofer have clashed over migration
  What is important to me is deciding things together inEurope and not acting unilaterally
Chancellor Merkel
The Interior Minister, who has always been critical of Mrs Merkel’s liberal migration policy, is due to try and persuade other EU leaders to agree a common migrant policy at a summit this month.

She said: “What is important to me is deciding things together in Europe and not acting unilaterally.”

Mr Seehofer’s plan would entail reversing the open-door policy that the Chancellor announced in 2015. Berlin would turn away asylum seekers who have already been registered in another EU state.
                        Sebastian Kurz tweeted this picture of him meeting Merkel this week

There would be stricter migration rules and faster deportation of the failed asylum seekers.

Mr Seehofer cancelled plans to present his ‘masterplan’ on immigration on Monday claiming certain points still needed to be agreed.

According to Deutsche Welle, Mr Seehofer said: “I have a responsibility for this country, namely to steer and maintain order. And I cannot postpone it until Hell freezes over”.

Mr Kurz heads a right-wing government and has similar views to Mr Seehofer, he said: “We must decide who come to Europe, not the smugglers”.

After he met Mrs Merkel this week, Mr Kurz tweeted: “Many thanks to Chancellor Angela Merkel for our good conversation, Germany is not only our neighbour and friend, but also our most important economic partner.”

Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Matte Salvini refused to allow a rescue vessel carrying hundreds of migrants to dock earlier this week.
                                                           Angela Merkel through the years 

Mr Salvini has also requested they come to an agreement on how they will make a joint proposal on how to close the EU’s external border.

The arrival of more than one million migrants since 2015 in Germany has divided the country and fuelled the rise of the far-right Alternative for Deutschland party. 


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