Wednesday, June 13, 2018

SNP leader KICKED OUT of Commons sparking mass walk out – PMQs in chaos

SNP leader KICKED OUT of Commons sparking mass walk out – PMQs in chaos

SNP LEADER in Westminster Ian Blackford was ordered to leave the House of Commons for the rest of the day after repeatedly challenging speaker John Bercow. 

Ian Blackford walked out of the Chamber after a heated argument with the speaker in the House of Commons.

Mr Blackford asked for the House to sit in private and repeatedly questioned the speakers decision.
He said: “The Prime Minister said she would treat Scotland as a union of equals but last night she pressed ahead with a power grab of Scotland’s elected parliament.

“The Prime Minister silenced Scotland’s voice, plunging it into constitutional crisis.
                       Ian Blackford was ordered to leave the chamber by John Bercow

“It’s a democratic outrage. People of Scotland will not be disrespected by this parliament.
“I’ve no option but to ask this house sits in private!”

John Bercow said: “Don’t tell me what the procedures of this house are.

“There can be a vote at the end of this session. Mr Blackford, no!

"Under the power given to me in light of persistent and repeated refusal for RHG to resume his seat, I order him to withdraw immediately from the house for the remainder of this day’s sitting.”

The SNP MPs then walked out of the chamber following Mr Blackford.

Nicola Sturgeon tweeted her support for the SNP MPs decision.

She wrote: “Right behind Ian Blackford MP and the SNP MPs. Scotland and @ScotParl are being treated with contempt by Westminster and it needs to be highlighted.”


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