Here’s 4 steps to keep your liver and kidneys clean:
Step 1
Drink half a cup of water with 4 to 6 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar daily before eating your meals. The acidity of apple cider vinegar helps detoxify the liver while helping it break down fats. Apple cider vinegar also helps prevent kidney stones from forming.
Step 2
Drink one to two cups of pure cranberry juice not from concentrate every day. Tannin is the active ingredient in cranberries and works by helping your liver remove cholesterol out of your blood while flushing out bacteria and toxins from your kidneys.
Step 3
Add one serving of artichokes to your daily diet. Artichokes contain cynarin and chlorogenic acid that help protect and strengthen the liver while helping the kidneys filter out toxins from the blood and excrete them in urine.
Step 4
Exercise at least 30 minutes daily to strengthen your cardiovascular system. This will help improve blood flow and oxygen to your liver and kidneys while helping them process out toxins fast. Make sure to consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program.
Cleansing Foods
In the meantime, keep these foods in constant rotation of your diet so that you are constantly cleansing your kidneys:Watermelon – Watermelon contains a lot of water and also has a function of diuretic which can make people produce more urine so as to remove more wastes from the body.
Lemon juice – You can add to your water half a cup lemon juice a day, as lemon juice helps to reduce kidney stone formation. You can also use apple cider vinegar instead of a lemon: simply mix 6 teaspoons or so in about a gallon of purified water and drink throughout the day.
Berries – Berries are very rich in antioxidants and contain many disease fighting qualities. They help to flush out uric acid from the kidneys thus keeping them healthier. Cranberries and blueberries are the best choice among all the berries, as they contain a substance that washes away the urea and uric acid from the kidneys. Also red grapes are very good for the kidneys.
Apples – Apples are high in antioxidants and fiber and have anti-inflammatory compounds which can improve kidney function.
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